Our Team

Hollistic Manual Therapy


Andrea Verhoef, Reiki Master Teacher,
Emotional Freedom Technique (E.F.T) practitioner

Andrea is the grateful mother to two sons and a daughter. The journey of motherhood’s ever changing phases has been exciting and humbling for her. Reiki and EFT have been in her life throughout motherhood.

Andrea was introduced to reiki in the Netherlands where she was raised and received her Reiki level 1 training in 2000. She practiced on herself and others. A few years later she came to Canada (20 years of age), after getting settled in she proceeded to seek out further training in Reiki and obtained her Reiki level 2 certificate. She continued to build her confidence and expertise practicing reiki privately and in a local spa.

As time passed she sought out the next step to became a Reiki master and secure more depth in her practice, attunements and strengthen her ability to heal at a distance and work at a deeper level. She has been active in various areas of healing from patient’s in hospital to group healing.

In 2015 she received her Reiki master teacher training to enable her to pass onto others the skills and knowledge. Reiki is both a calming, emotional release and healing for her . Emotional freedom technique came into her life in 2007 when she took a course on the technique. EFT helps in daily challenges of life and is a practical and effective technique in any thing we are faced with.

Besides Reiki and E.F.T Andrea loves to read, cook and learn everyday . She also has a great passion for aviation and her career as a flight attendant allows her to see and experience all that the worlds diversity and culture has to offer.

Being raised in the Netherlands and having exposure to different parts of the world gives her a great appreciation for all life and an understanding to the differences in community, raising children and supporting each other.

REIKI AFFIRMATION: Just for today, I will not worry . I will not anger. I will work honestly. I will give thanks and I will be kind to all living things

Patti Wright, Reflexologist

Patricia is a Registered Reflexologist with a passion for supporting clients from birth to adulthood. She has been apart of the Reflexology community for 12 years. Through her own healing journey, she has experienced the benefits of natural therapies and the body’s ability to heal itself under the right conditions. This prompted Patricia to further her education to help clients learn of new ways to cope with stress, anxiety, digestive issues, and auto-immune disorders to name a few. Recognizing her keen interest in women’s health and assisting clients to be the healthiest version of themselves, Patricia has recently continued her educational studies to focus on women’s reproductive health and fertility. This has allowed her to expand her knowledge and skills to support women experiencing reproductive health including infertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and menopause.

As an exceptionally proud mother herself, she lives by the concept of putting family first and finding ways to support those you love. She supports her clients by creating an awareness of alternative options for treatment. Patricia has a unique and long-standing career working with and advocating for the needs of children, youth, and families within Oxford County. Patricia is known for her listening skills and compassionate nature. She finds that leading a holistic life has a positive impact on a person’s health and has been grateful to be able to work with people of all ages and stages of life. She welcomes whole beingness and celebrates diversity in all forms. Patricia deeply believes in the practice of holding space and co-creating optimal conditions for support and growth. Meeting you where you are at in your journey and providing personalized supportive guidance when and where available. Her treatments are individually tailored while following the best evidence-based practices. Embodying holistic health, healing, happiness, and the empowerment of women. Patricia would be honoured to be a part of your healing journey.

What is Reiki and Reflexology?