Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Support


What is Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Support?

The WOMB lactation consultants can assist you with establishing breastfeeding (or chest feeding) within the first few hours of your baby or babies’ life, assist you with the transition to alternative feeding methods (such as bottle feeding) and/or troubleshoot any feeding challenges that you may be experiencing. They are sensitive to the needs of both mothers and babies, and work to help mothers meet their breastfeeding goals.

All WOMB breastfeeding support is provided through an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant); health care professionals who specialize in the clinical management of breastfeeding. IBCLCs are recognized worldwide as possessing the only standardized, board certified (certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners) lactation credential available and have knowledge of up-to-date evidence based practices in lactation as demonstrated through a rigorous exam process.

For urgent care please contact The WOMB directly 519-539-9944.

How can Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Support help me?

1:1 Breastfeeding Support

THE WOMB’s Infant Feeding Specialists will guide and nurture you through any challenges of breastfeeding and other feeding methods such as bottles – educated on the “why’s” of your challenges, receive a thorough examination of both yours and your baby’s feeding anatomy, and receive practical support and on-going, consistent follow up

Groups and Classes

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class

Each mother and her baby have an innate connection response that make for their ideal breastfeeding "technique".  Facilitated by certified lactation consultants, this prenatal breastfeeding class will help you understand your baby's biological needs right from birth and how meeting those needs will facilitate increased breastfeeding success and parenting confidence. Learn the basics from how to hold, position and latch your baby to the essentials of milk supply and what to do in challenging situations.

Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding Cafe 

Come and share your joys, challenges and unique breastfeeding experiences in an informal get-together. This group is facilitated our international board certified lactation consultants and held monthly.

Our Team

Heidi Reynolds,
Lactation Consultant

Michelle Buckley, IBCLC,
Lactation Consultant

Sarah Harmer,
Lactation Consultant