WOM(B)EN: Emily Tashjian

Name: Emily Tashjian
Age: 26
Mother of One
Greyson (18 months)
Profession: Doula and Yoga Instructor

Birth Experience

As a trained Doula I felt very empowered during my pregnancy that I had all of the knowledge necessary to have a natural home birth. At my 39 week check in I had a single high blood pressure reading which resulted in an induction, artificial membrane rupture, pitocin, 14 long hours of natural labour, and ultimately an emergency belly birth. Needless to say this was not at all the birth I imagined. Looking back I am able to see through the trauma to the many ways I was scared into making decisions that did not align with my values or my rights. My birth experience has strengthened my purpose as a doula and has proven to me the true value of educated, calm, and consistent support for all families in every stage of their parenting journey.

Parenting Joys - Past, Present, Future

Past - newborn snuggles and the sweet sound of a breastfeeding baby.

Present - getting to watch my toddler learn new things daily, the excitement when he masters new skills and wants to celebrate with a hug.

Future - hopefully adding to the family and watching a sibling connection grow.

Parenting Struggles - Past, Present, Future

Past - struggling to trust my intuition as a mother without letting outside voices cloud my thoughts and decisions about parenting.

Present - learning how to respond to toddler aggression and realizing I have some personal work to do in order to move forward without the baggage of how I was raised.

Future - continuing to work on myself to heal all the parts of me that parenting brings to light so that I can show up as the mother I want to be. 

What is one thing you said you’d never do as a parent before you were a parent?

Oh man, so many things haha. My idea of what parenthood would be was so different from what I realized I actually wanted.

One thing that stands out is I thought I would never co-sleep, and here I am 18 months later cuddling with my big boy every single night and I wouldn't change it for the world. He loves it, I love it, everyone gets better sleep this way.

What are you looking forward to most when the pandemic ends?

I want to take Greyson to the aquarium in Toronto and to the children's museum. I want to see the wonder and magic in his eyes as he experiences new things. I hope to share my endless curiosity with him and make memories with our family.

When we can travel again where will you go?

I would love to visit my brother who lives out of the province. It's hard to believe he's never had the chance to meet Greyson yet!

3 Best Parenting Resources

  1. Sage Family Podcast (natural and gentle parenting)

  2. Big Little Feelings (Instagram/Facebook)

  3. The Wonder Weeks (app or book by Frans X. Plooij, Hetty van de Rijt, and Xaviera Plas-Plooij)

If you would like to share your story, email us: hello@thewombwoodstock.ca


WOM(B)EN: Dr. Pamela Thornton


WOM(B)EN: Dr. Natalia Rey-Caughlin