WOM(B)EN: Dr. Natalia Rey-Caughlin

Name: Natalia Rey-Caughlin
Age: 30 (probably 31 when you post this lol)
Mother of One
Hudson Mitchell Rey-Brown, 3 months old
Profession: Naturopath

Path to pregnancy?

I started preparing for pregnancy about 2 years before trying. I started a prenatal and other nutrients to get my mind and body ready to carry a baby, and set myself up for good mental health and energy postpartum. We were extremely fortunate, having conceived within a few months of trying.

Birth Experience

My labour lasted a total of 57 hours. We were hoping for a home birth, however after 48 hours of contractions, the midwife suggested I go to the hospital and get some hydration through IV and an epidural so that I could sleep before pushing this little one out!

I was exhausted, sleeping for 3 minutes between contractions and moving my body during contractions- so we opted for the route to hydration and sleep.

I woke 4 hours later ready to push! I had the epidural turned down so I could work with my contractions and follow my body's rhythm. About 30 minutes later, Hudson arrived!

Parenting Joys - Past, Present, Future

Past - As a new mom my past Joys aren't very far in the past. I enjoyed how very delicate our newborn son was. His slow motions and sweet noises. Watching him sleep in awe that we created him and that I grew him inside of my womb.

Present - watching him become more aware and begin to smile and laugh is the most joyful thing! His little baby babbles just melt my heart.

Future - I am so excited to experience the Joys of watching him grow, move, develop speech and most of all, discover his personality and who he is as his own little individual.

Parenting Struggles - Past, Present, Future

Past - Nothing can prepare you for the sleep deprivation postpartum. After 57 hours of labour, we were walking zombies trying to feed Hudson, sleep and feed ourselves. Hudson struggled to latch which he has successfully learned with the help of an incredible lactation consultant and Osteopath! We couldn't have done it without their support!

Present - Showering, exercising, meditation, and making food can be a challenge with a very dependant little. Taking time for myself has been the most challenging.

Future - Balancing motherhood and my growing practice!

What is one thing you said you’d never do as a parent before you were a parent?

Be on my cellphone while breastfeeding. Lol.

How have you managed to work self care into your routine?

I try to take time for one of the 3 each day: yoga, meditation, or a bath. We also get outside in nature everyday, rain or shine. This has been vital for mental health postpartum!

What are you looking forward to most when the pandemic ends?

Play dates with other parents and having everyone get to hold and kiss Hudson without a mask.

When we can travel again where will you go?

To Spain so that Hudson can meet some of his family & his great grandmother!

3 Best Parenting Resources

  1. 2 Books: The Whole Brain Child by Tina Bryson and Daniel Siegel,
    Naturally Healthy Babies and Children by Aviva Romm

  2. The WOMB workshops: Prenatal Care

  3. Blog: wellnessmama.com - for healthier families with great information and recipes!

If you would like to share your story, email us: hello@thewombwoodstock.ca


WOM(B)EN: Emily Tashjian


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