WOM(B)EN: Jenn Pullen

Name: Jenn Pullen
Age: 44
Mother of 1 daughter Mackenzie (12)
Profession: Registered Massage Therapist

Birth Experience

My birth experience was as good as one could hope for! It was a quick birth, by the time I arrived at the hospital… after a 30 minute drive, I was already 8cm dilated. As I was getting settled in the room, my husband thought he’d scope out the place and settle for the long day. Lol little did he know!! An hour and a half after arriving at the hospital and pushing for 20 minutes, Mackenzie arrived into the world as a healthy 8lb baby girl. I do remember thinking as I lay in bed at home, having intense contractions that if it was going to get any worse, I wasn’t cut out for it. But I did and the labour of at home was the worst of it or at least that’s how I remember it 12.5 years later!


Parenting Joys - Past, Present, Future

Past- There are so many! Watching your child grow, learn, try new foods and experiences, make friends, the list goes on! Mackenzie will typically always try a food once and I love this because as a child myself, I was not very adventurous at trying new things. She is the furthest thing from a picky eater and I am very grateful for that!

Present/Future- Raising a child is not an easy task and you constantly wonder if you are making the right/best decision. Watching my 12 yr old laugh, cry, dance, love and everyday becoming more rooted in who she is as a person, is a joy! Part of who she is, is due to parenting but more of it is due to who she is deep down. A human who hugs often, laughs a lot, dances her way through life and loves with her whole heart!

Parenting Struggles - Past, Present, Future

Past - having an only child was never part of my plan.  I felt guilt about not having any siblings for Mackenzie, I saw it as a negative for a really long time.  Don't get me wrong, those hard feelings still crop up from time to time but I just have to remind myself of all that she has done & experienced in her 12 years, things she may not have had the opportunity to do if she had a sibling or two. 

Present - navigating online learning and everything else that goes along with a pandemic while entering the teenage years, yikes!  

Future - I think this will be more about me then Mackenzie. As she gets older and becomes even more independent, starts driving, moves away to school, I will need to learn to parent in a whole different way. As long as she knows she is loved, her parents are always there for her and she is a strong independent woman, I will know I have done my job!  

What is one thing you said you’d never do as a parent before you were a parent?

I can't think of anything that we said we'd never do and did but there were things we said we wanted to do! Like sleepovers at grandparents and to start them young! We felt it was important not just for our daughter to be comfortable with them but also for us as parents and we also needed the time!

How have you managed to work self care into your routine?

It took some time, likely years before I added self care back into my routine after having Mackenzie but now it's a priority. If I want to show up the best for my family, self care is a must.  I schedule it in advance because if I leave it and wait till I need it, I don't do it. Self care is not a luxury, it is a necessity and it doesn't have to cost a lot of money!  


What are you looking forward to most when the pandemic ends?

Seeing everyone's smile and giving hugs!

When we can travel again where will you go?



3 Best Parenting Resources

  1. Friends 

  2. My Naturopath


If you would like to share your story, email us: hello@thewombwoodstock.ca


WOM(B)EN: Tiffany Fewster-Salt