WOM(B)EN: Tiffany Fewster-Salt

Name: Tiffany Fewster-Salt
Age: 36
Mother of 2 beautiful girls, Scotlynn (4) and McKinley (2) and a 3rd baby on the way, gender yet to be known!
Profession: One of the proud Owners of The WOMB Woodstock and I am also a Professional Realtor with The Realty Firm B&B Real Estate Team serving all of Oxford County for almost 15 years.

Birth Experience

2 wonderful, unmedicated Home Births so far, hopeful my 3rd Birth will follow in that same fashion.

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Parenting Joys - Past, Present, Future

I feel that my biggest joys in parenting carry through the past present and the future.

I have found and continue to find immense joy in watching my girls develop their own personalities and learn independence. My greatest joy is seeing them demonstrate compassion to others. It melts my heart.

Parenting Struggles - Past, Present, Future

I find the struggles carry through the past, present and future as well.

A struggle I find myself in almost daily is trying to assist them in navigating their emotions appropriately, while managing my own in an appropriate way. Keeping my patience is something I think everyone struggles with, and leading by example. I can not expect them to keep their cool in a frustrating situation if I can’t do the same thing. I’m constantly learning.

Another major struggle I find myself in is aiming to thrive in my professional career as if I don’t have children, and trying to parent as if I don’t have a career. There’s balance there somewhere, whether I find it or not is yet to be determined. There’s times when I feel I’m failing in one department more than the other. There’s times when I feel like I really can do it all, and there’s also times when I feel like it’s all falling apart. All of which are OK.

What is one thing you said you’d never do as a parent before you were a parent?

Ha ha ha one thing I I said I would never do as a parent before I was a parent... that’s actually a very long list. And I think at the top of it would be allowing my children screen time during supper. It’s bad... I feel it. But I don’t care. It’s the most glorious 30 minutes that I use to clean up the chaos from the day. I have a very different schedule and work a lot of evenings so to have a sit down meal with my family is a special occasion.

How have you managed to work self care into your routine?

HA. This is a work in progress.

One way I have found to sneak some self care is whether or not I have appointments on a specific day, if my children have scheduled care away from the home, they go. If it ends up meaning a free day for me, I know I deserve that time, to do whatever it is I want to do. No guilt.

What are you looking forward to most when the pandemic ends?

The pandemic ending :) some sort of normalcy in terms of routines and structure for everyone.

When we can travel again where will you go?

Somewhere with a lot of people. I would love to attend a music festival without my kiddos. And with my kiddos, some sort of theme park!

3 Best Parenting Resources

Number One would obviously be The WOMB! ️

I have leaned pretty heavily on my own parents for advice in my parenting journey as well as my older sister who has significantly older children than myself as well as my close friends who are all on this journey of parenthood together. It takes a Village, and I’ve found that sometimes there is no right answer. I avoid Dr. Google at all times


If you would like to share your story, email us: hello@thewombwoodstock.ca


WOM(B)EN: Jenn Pullen


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